Last week, when Josh and Rhonda and their kids were visiting, we went to the beach and Josh rented surfboards and boogie boards for the kids.

The Santa Barbara Yagers left on Thursday after a wonderful week (spent mostly at the beach). We got back from the airport and plunged into Easter Triduum activities. Thursday night was the mass with the washing of feet and the removal of the tabernacle (which is always a deeply sorrowful experience for me).
Friday morning we walked the stations of the cross from our neighborhood chapel to the main church in the center of town.
There are 5 neighborhood (barrio) chapels in town and there was a group from each one walking the stations of the cross. When we all entered the main church, we completely filled up the sanctuary, with people standing all along the aisles and out every door! We reflected on the Seven Last Words of Jesus and venerated the cross. Then we all walked home and 3 hours later walked back to the church in groups from each chapel in a silent march. This is, for me, the most powerful event in the church year - a huge group of people walking through town, following the cross in total silence except for a drumbeat (like the one at President Kennedy's funeral). Sorry I don't have any pictures, but it takes place at night and taking pictures would detract from the solemnity of the experience.
Then a quiet day of reflection before the Easter Vigil on Saturday night. This year it took place in the town plaza, and the entire plaza was packed with people. Here in Mexico we are very expressive of our joy, and at the end of the Vigil each year we have fireworks and confetti and wave balloons and jump up and down and generally blow out the stops!
Today (Sunday) after the main mass we had a "church picnic" (Mexican version) with karaoke and a magic show done by a seminarian from the next town. He's actually pretty well-known - he's been on and other venues. And NOW we're back home, finally resting after a lot of activity over the past 3 days. Christ is risen! He is risen indeed!
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